warning n. 1.警告,警报;警戒;训诫。 2.预告,通知。 3.号召,召唤。 4.殷鉴;前兆。 Don't blame the speaker but take his words as a warning. 言者无罪,闻者足戒。 a beacon lighted as a warning 报警的烽火。 a warning network 警报网。 a warning order 准备命令。 at a minute's [moment's] warning (不预先通知地)突然之间。 give (sb. a month's warning ) 早一个月通知(解雇)。 give warning 警告;告诫,预告。 take warning by (me) 拿(我)做前车之鉴吧。
in public 当众.公开; 当众,公开地; 公开的,当众; 公开地,当然; 公开地,公然; 公开地;在大庭广众之下; 公开他; 公众,公开地; 公众反对这项新法律; 在公共场合; 在公众场合; 在公众面前,公开地
Public warned not to drink bolthouse farms carrot juice 市民应暂停饮用甘荀汁
Head public warning system branch 公共警报系统科科长
Methods for the field measurement of the sound output of audible public warning devices installed at fixed locations outdoors 室外固定位置安装的公共音响警告设备的声音输出现场测量
Customs arrests a man at the airport for trafficking in heroin - january 19 , 2004 ( monday ) public warned on bring orchids into hk - january 16 , 2004 ( friday ) 海关在机场拘捕一名体内藏有怀疑海洛英男子-二四年一月十九日(星期一)
And if americans were not prepared for a storm that announced itself ahead of time , what if a major act of terror occurred with no public warning 我们要问,如果事先有预告的天灾都无法应付,一但发生了一个大的恐怖袭击,那情形会是怎样。
Real life has shown that it is not appropriate to regard " admonition " as a disciplinary measure and that it is inconvenient to divide warnings into private and public warnings 实际生活证明:把劝告作为一种处分是不适宜的,把警告分作当面和当众两种也有许多不便。
She observes that a forthcoming report from america ' s government accountability office will criticise the government for its lack of public warnings about such risks 她注意道,美国审计总署将即将发表的报告中将会对衙门针对这种威胁未对公众进行充分的警告提出批评。
She observes that a forthcoming report from america ' s government accountability office will criticise the government for its lack of public warnings about such risks 她注意道,美国审计总署将即将发表的报告中将会对政府针对这种威胁未对公众进行充分的警告提出批评。
This paper discusses the signification of replacing public warning system with public display system in higher education institution student management in search of a more proactive and interactive management model 在高校学生管理工作中以公示制度取代公告制度是一个与社会改革发展同步的制度变迁,是寻求更为积极、互动信息交流的管理改革尝试,其背景和意义是值得探讨的。
This urgent transformation of cuba into an important strategic base - - by the presence of these large , long - range , and clearly offensive weapons of sudden mass destruction - - constitutes an explicit threat to the peace and security of all the americas , in flagrant and deliberate defiance of the rio pact of 1947 , the traditions of this nation and hemisphere , the joint resolution of the 87th congress , the charter of the united nations , and my own public warnings to the soviets on september 4 and 13 这些大型,远程而且明显具攻击性的武器能在瞬间形成大规模杀伤力,它们的出现说明古巴已经急速蜕变为一个战略要地,这对所有美国人的和平和安全构成了明确的威胁,是在对1947年里约协定,美国与西半球的传统, 87届联大联合决议,联合国宪章以及我在9月3日和13日对苏联所做警告进行公然和蓄意的挑衅。